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Re: [g-i] needs full font before launching tasksel

On 1/20/06, Kenshi Muto <kmuto@debian.org> wrote:
> Current shrink-ed CJK fonts for g-i are taken glyph from
> d-i/tasksel/iso-codes/eject/console-data, but it may be not enough to
> cover all of characters what tasksel brings.
> One workaround is including all of possible characters from each task
> packages, but I think it's not scalable and may slip soon. Containing
> huge TTFs to initial RAM disk is impossible. Reverting to bitmap is
> unhappy.
> I've an idea:

I was talking with Sven Luther on Sunday about a way to provide the
needed characters for any language:

- make really small font which will be used only by the installer o
choose language - this font will contain only glyphs necessary for
displaying of all languages' names (han unification issue - does it
need a fix in this case?)
- make dedicated fonts for each language/set of languages (latin,
japanese, chinese, arabic, hindi, punjabi, etc.) by stripping
everything else but the needed range(s) for the target language (is
possible with the --invert option of the stripping script). In this
way a glyph (which is not unificated) will only be present in one
font, and one font only - so we save memory.
- load after language selection the udeb containing the latin support
and, only if needed, other font.

What we need is to find a good font for each language[1] present in
the installer and to make the reduced fonts for the udebs that will be
loaded from the media and the one for the languages' screen.

[1] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstallerGUIFonts

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" A.Einstein

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