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URGENT: Re: Translation errors in tzsetup

> There are lots of translation errors in tzsetup, of the form where a
> list of choices is translated to another list with the wrong number of
> choices. For example, pt_BR has:

Several translators fixed errors. The remaining ones are currently
for Bengali, Punjabi, Ukrainian, Spanish, Portuguese:

> E: tzsetup-udeb udeb: mismatch-translated-choices tzsetup/country/AQ choices-pa_in.utf-8

Missing comma between the entry for South_Pole and Rothera. You might
also want to read the comment and do NOT translate the "Antarctica/" bits.

> E: tzsetup-udeb udeb: mismatch-translated-choices tzsetup/country/AU choices-bn.utf-8

Missing comma between the entry for Melbourne and Sydney in Australian
timezones. Same remark.

> E: tzsetup-udeb udeb: mismatch-translated-choices tzsetup/country/CA choices-uk.utf-8

Missing entries for Central and Saskatchewan in Canadian timezones

> E: tzsetup-udeb udeb: mismatch-translated-choices tzsetup/country/CA choices-pt.utf-8

Missing entries for Central and Yukon in Canadian timezones

> E: tzsetup-udeb udeb: mismatch-translated-choices tzsetup/country/US choices-es.utf-8

Missing Arizona in US timezones.

I can fix all of these myself but will do as the very last
solution. Translators, this is one minute needed to fix this. Please
do. Colin Watson will probably do a last upload for Ubuntu needs very
soon so if you want to be 100% in Ubuntu Dapper, you know what you
have to do (please move Ubuntu flames to /dev/null, they'll be ignored).

If I fix, I'll mark the Ukrainian translation as fuzzy because I'll be
forced to add "Central" as is, as I don't know how to write it in
Ukrainian..:-) (for Saskatchewan, it's OK, I have a model..:))

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