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Re: Bug#309667: marked as done (cdebconf: tolerate templates with mismatched Choices and Indices)

> iso_3166.tab. The code is a little hairy because it needs to calculate
> the inverse of iso_3166.tab and apply that as a mapping to all the

Yep. Actually, we have several things in d-i packages which depend on
these iso_*.tab files, which are considered obsolete by the iso-codes
maintainer, Alastair, in favour of XML files.

So, as a TODO, we should try using the XML files at some moment,
either directly or through a set of high-level tools from a not yet
existing iso-codes-utils package.

This is mostly a reminder, indeed...but the more people are aware of
this issue, the less we risk to be surprised (and get FTBFS on d-i
packages) when these *.tab files will disappear (which they should do
at some moment).

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