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Re: beta release update

Il giorno ven, 07/10/2005 alle 07.12 +0200, Christian Perrier ha
> > A few notable ones:
> Localized installs are barely untested.
> There doesn't seem to be problems for Latin-1 languages installs (I've
> tested French and Italian.....the first using a default UTF-8 on the
> installed system and the latter still using Latin-1 as default).

Tested Italian using UTF-8 without problems. Need to do some more tests
to see all expert options as I only have time for a normal install.

Stefano Canepa aka sc: sc@linux.it  http://www.stefanocanepa.it
Three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience and hubris.
Le tre grandi virtù di un programmatore: pigrizia, impazienza e
arroganza. (Larry Wall)
Stefano Canepa aka sc: sc@linux.it  http://www.stefanocanepa.it
Three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience and hubris.
Le tre grandi virtù di un programmatore: pigrizia, impazienza e
arroganza. (Larry Wall)

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