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Re: Moving root password management and first user creation out of 2nd stage

On Monday 03 October 2005 18:50, Christian Perrier wrote:
> 1) Create a udeb from shadow and use it
> 2) use our own udeb in d-i tree, stealing as much as possible from
>    shadow
> 3) create two smaller udebs, one for the root password stuff and
>    another for the user creation

Option 3 has the disadvantage of also adding 2 lines in the main menu, 
which is already getting quite long. Suggest we keep it down to one.

> So, provided we can manage to have chpasswd and useradd in a udeb, I
> think we could imagine quite easily doing all this.

Is that really needed? I would guess you do this after base-installation, 
so you should be able to just chroot and use what's already there...

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