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Re: d-i-bugs and d-i-commits lists

Quoting Wouter Verhelst (wouter@debian.org):

> Uh, commit mails are already separate from debian-boot@l.d.o -- they're
> sent to debian-installer_cvs@packages.qa.debian.org, i.e., they go
> through the PTS.
> What's the gain of creating a specific mailing list?

As a first approximation, I would say archives but I'm unsure whether
there are some on packages.qa.d.o

This was a conclusion from the meeting. The list you mention was

16:38 < bubulle> but do they go in a list now?
16:38 < joeyh> oh, are they?
16:38 < Kamion> they're certainly not -boot
16:38 < joeyh> debian-installer_cvs@packages.qa.debian.org
16:38 < joeyh> we could probably stand to gate that to a better list
16:39 < bubulle> joeyh: yep. So I request for two lists?
16:39 < joeyh> more people reading commit messages would be good
16:39 < bubulle> d-i-bugs and d-i-commits @lists.alioth.d.o?

hence the creation..:-)

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