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Bug#311021: Empty mirror sites in first stage

severity 311021 grave
tags 311021 sid

> Typical mismatch in the number of entries in Choices, Choices-xx and
> Indices-xx fields in the package templates.
> Probably a problem with escaping commans or somethign similar.

No, that issue has now been fixed.

IIUC the problem is that the choices list for mirror/(http|ftp)/countries 
now contains country _names_ instead of country _codes_.

However, the code in choose-mirror.c that builds the mirror list for a 
selected country requires the country _code_ as input.

IMO the proper solution for this bug is to have the basic choices list for 
mirror/(http|ftp)/countries list country codes and to add a 
Choices-en.UTF-8 containing the English country names.

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