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Re: Automated PXE-installations -- problems with timezone and keyboard layout

On 02/24/05 11:04, Mika S Marjamäki wrote:
For some reason the number of kernel parameters (in pxelinux.cfg/default
on the TFTP-server) is limited to 8, and for some even more odd reason
d-i wants those parameters from kernel. BUT, PXE-stuff etc. eat all the
available kernel parameter space and I cannot pass
"countrychooser/shortlist=FI console-keymaps-at/keymap=fi" to the kernel
which means that keyboard layout and timezone are wrong after

I had a similar problem and solved it by modifying the installer initrd.gz image. I created a file called S31-custom-config and put my additional debconf defaults in it. Here are mine:

### Start S31-custom-config
# Set other default installer settings...
debconf-set debian-installer/framebuffer "false"
debconf-set languagechooser/language-name "English"
debconf-set countrychooser/shortlist "US"
debconf-set console-keymaps-at/keymap "us"
### End S31-custom-config

Now I added this file to the initrd image. My example commands assume your vmlinuz and initrd.gz in the /tftpboot directory:

cd /tftpboot
gunzip initrd.gz
mkdir m
mount -o loop initrd m
cp S31-custom-config m/lib/debian-installer-startup.d/
umount initrd
gzip initrd

Now when you boot using this initrd.gz image, it will set the extra settings you need before starting the stage1 installer and you can use the kernel append line for other things. I know its a kludge, but it gets the job done. Hope this helps!

Anthony L. Awtrey
Chief Technology Officer
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I.D.E.A.L. Technology Corporation

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