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Re: UTF-8 default

Blars Blarson wrote:
> In article <[🔎] 20040722222220.GA10042@uio.no> sgunderson@bigfoot.com writes:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Is there any reason why UTF-8 seems to be the default in Debian nowadays? I
> >installed sid with d-i (current businesscard as of 2004-07-21) and noticed
> >that LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (a locale that was not even generated); this
> >confused aterm and probably other applications.
> This is probably bug 246398 in xterm.

He's not running xterm, so it seems unlikely that a bug in xterm wold be
the culprit.

FWIW, I once saw gnome stick me with a en_US.utf-8 locale, but I've not
had much luck with reproducing it.

see shy jo

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