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Prospective work on choose-mirror

Choose-mirror handling of the mirror country list currently has a few
drawbacks which may be enhanced:

-the Choices list in templates is built from the mirror countries
 mentioned in Mirrors.masterlist. This file is fetched at build time
 and the debconf template is then modified on the fly to have the
 country codes list

-as a consequence, an English "translation" of these country codes is
 needed to be maintained

-as another consequence, as soon as a new country has a Debian mirror
 it is added to the code list....and the translations get outdated

-thus, for all languages, choose-mirror suddenylm displays a list
 of country codes instead of country names

This situation is likely to happen as soon as the package is rebuilt
after Mirrors.masterlist includes a new country for at least one
mirror. It happened a few months ago when the first mirror in
Argentina was added.

Another effect of this is the need for translating a big bunch of
country codes.....a work which is already done for iso-codes (used by

In order to make all this more simple, I have worked on a new

-the template is built on the fly from Mirrors.masterlist

-the country names (in English) are grabbed from iso-codes

-the translations are also grabbed from iso-codes

This will save a lot of work to translators and avoid the situation
where a new build outdates all translations.

This work consists of

-addition of a get-iso-codes script (similar to the one in
 countrychooser) for getting country names translations

-addition of a mktemplates script which builds the new templates file

-addition of a intltool-merge (same as countrychooser) which allows
for partial translations in Choices lists

-a few changes to the sort-countries script

-the call for these utilities in debian/rules

Up to now, this was done locally on my system. 

I just commited the two new files to SVN as well as the new
sort-countries file as "sort-countries.new".

The changes have been added to debian/rules, but currently commented.

These changes need a very solid review as you all now are aware of
the poor quality of scripts I write..:-)

So, DO NOT uncomment lines in debian/rules currently. I have put
warnings there...


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