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Bug#275628: ([sparc][netinst][20041007] failure: Sun Ultra 10)

The failure I was experiencing was occuring because I had memory
in slots 3 and 4, and no memory in slots 1 and 2.

Moving the DIMMs into slots 1 and 2 avoids the
  Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 00:00
    Press L1-A to return to the boot prom
error message.

I thought this problem had been solved, so I did not think of it
until just now. Can this regression (if it is a regression) be fixed?

 Get, and run, the 'memconf' utility on your machine while it
 still has Solaris. This is a quick and accurate way to confirm
 the memory layout. It is currently hosted at

I will check the manual and send a patch if the above is not already
in there.

I moved successfully through the installation to the partitioning
stage. I bailed out at that point, but I'll complete an install later.

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