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Installation Rulebase flaw

version: current (this week) sarge 1st ISO CD image
When doing the initial install during network configuration the network card could not be found so no network could be installed

When configuring apt-get (assuming at this point I am configuring the apt-get.conf file for later use) my choices of mirrors failed because the installation wrapper could not detect a network.

After install completed and I logged in I quickly configured the network card, but then had to manually create an apt-get.conf file to get further packages.

My fix would be to not have the apt-get configuration setup during install fail due to lack of a network. The fact that there is no network should not matter because trying to run apt-get pointing to a mirror without a network would fail anyway. After the network is installed further configuration of apt-get would not be necessary if it was done during the install so further package installation could begin immediately

This was my first install of debian

Bill Oxley

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