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Do not "Create a new empty partition" on a RAID1 device

You have to be careful what you select when manually
partitioning in the installer.

If you select a RAID1 DEVICE, you can "Create a new empty partition
table on this device", which makes putting an ext3fs on it rather
impossible (??SuperBlock has been written over??).  What you really
want to do here, is select the PARTITION under the RAID1 DEVICE.  This
is not obvious to a newbie (or someone with some experience (i.e. me),
of course if you're doing RAID1, you're probably not a newbie).  

NOTE: sarge snapshot 20040927 CD (downloaded w/jigdo-lite) boot:linux26
1. Manually edit partition table
2. Create 2 partitions, setting to "physical volume for RAID"
3. Select "Configure software RAID" to "Create MD devices"
4. Selected "RAID1 device #0 - 1.9 GB" from the device/partiton list
   NOTE: should select partition "#1 1.9 GB" under "RAID1 device #0 - 1.9
5. Answered YES to "Create new empty partition table on this device?"
6. Selected "FREE SPACE" under "RAID1 device #0 - 1.9 GB"
   and "Created a new partition"
7. Select "Finish partitioning and write changes to disk"
8. Answer YES to "Write the changes to disks?"

And you get:
"Failed to create a file system"
The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of RAID1 device #0 failed.

If you need the exact details on how to recreate, let me know.

Do not allow user to select the RAID1 device form the device/partition list.
Do not allow user to "Create new empty partition table on this device"

Selecting the partition works fine and the system reboots nicely.
Thanks for all the work.  

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