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choose-mirror debconf values

I'm trying to feed some pre-set values to debconf such that I can skip
over some of the installation questions in an automated way.  So far so
good, except for choose-mirror.  It keeps prompting me to choose an ftp
mirror... I only want to use http.  I'm using the following to load the
debconf values:

db_set mirror/country "enter information manually" || true
db_set mirror/http/countries "enter information manually" || true
db_set mirror/http/directory "/LinuxCOE/Debian" || true
db_set mirror/http/hostname "linuxcoe.rose.hp.com" || true
db_set mirror/http/proxy "" || true
db_set mirror/suite "testing" || true
db_set mirror/protocol "http" || true

I'm then setting the "seen" flag on all of the above.  I thought the
"protocol" entry would be enough to get me past this without prompting for
ftp info, but apparently not.  Any ideas?



Paul Telford | 1024D/431B38BA | pxt@debian.org | paul@droflet.net
       C903 0E85 9AF5 1B80 6A5F  F169 D7E9 4363 431B 38BA

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