Bug#257663: marked as done (partman-lvm: / on lv does fails at kernel install)
Your message dated Tue, 06 Jul 2004 12:43:10 -0700
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and subject line Bug#257663: partman-lvm: / on lv does fails at kernel install
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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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Subject: partman-lvm: / on lv does fails at kernel install
From: Karl Hegbloom <hegbloom@pdx.edu>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
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Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2004 22:40:14 -0700
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package: partman-lvm
severity: normal
There should be a check that / is not a logical volume since the
mkinitrd does not support that. Grub probably doesn't either, right?
It would be useful to have recipes for LVM installs.
Karl Hegbloom <hegbloom@pdx.edu>
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Subject: Re: Bug#257663: partman-lvm: / on lv does fails at kernel install
From: Karl Hegbloom <hegbloom@pdx.edu>
To: 257663@bugs.debian.org
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Date: Tue, 06 Jul 2004 12:43:10 -0700
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On Mon, 2004-07-05 at 21:30 +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> This was fixed in base-installer 0.085, which postdated tc1.
As long as it's really fixed, this ticket can be closed. Cc the -done
Karl Hegbloom <hegbloom@pdx.edu>
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