Re: Modified patch for "plus symbols" problem
Recai Oktas написав:
> * Recai Oktas [2004-07-05 10:16:30+0300]
> [...]
>>>Index: packages/kbd-chooser/getfd.c
>>>--- packages/kbd-chooser/getfd.c (revision 17443)
>>>+++ packages/kbd-chooser/getfd.c (working copy)
>>>@@ -45,7 +45,9 @@
>>> }
>>> int getfd() {
>>>- int fd;
>>>+ static int fd = -1;
>>>+ if (fd >= 0)
>>>+ return fd;
>>> fd = open_a_console("/dev/tty");
>>> if (fd >= 0)
>>Ok, This should be the way to go. I'll test it and modify the patch.
>>Thanks for your time and comments.
> I prepared a new patch against kbd-chooser. First of all, I applied
> Denis's patch for plus symbols. I also modified my previous patch in
> accordance with Denis's suggestion quoted above. By reverting the
> changes applied to some functions, now kbd-chooser codebase doesn't
> divert from the console-tools. The problem regarding the getfd calls
> was solved by modifying only the kbd-chooser spesific getfd.c file.
> Here is the changelog:
> * Denis Barbier
> - Make kbd-chooser work with keymaps containing plus symbols.
> * Recai Oktas
> - Preserve compatibility with the console-tools by modifying
> the previous patch.
> I tested it for French, Ukrainian and Turkish keyboards and didn't see
> any problem. It should also work with the 'ua.kmap' containing plus
> symbols. Eugeniy, could it be possible to confirm this? [1]
This patch works. Thanks.
> Regards,
> [1]
Eugeniy Meshcheryakov
Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University
Information and Computing Centre
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