Bug#257820: marked as done (tasksel broken in 20040704 di ?)
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Subject: tasksel broken in 20040704 di ?
From: Tim Day <timday@bottlenose.demon.co.uk>
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Got through the process (in expert mode) to tasksel, and it shows the
usual desktop, file and print-server options, followed by a whole load
of i18n stuff (the last 2 shown are a couple of entries for Chinese)...
and then there's nothing after that... I can't scroll down to find
development tools, games, Debian Jr, it just wraps back to the top.
Guessing it's a bug, unless the range of things installed by tasksel is
being restricted for some reason.
Tim Day - www.timday.com
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Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 11:24:02 -0400
From: Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
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There's nothing broken, I've just tightended up the criteria for a task
and thus removed many from tasksel.
see shy jo
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