Bug#257771: i386 netboot: 2.4 garbled, 2.6 broken
Quoting Herbert Kaminski (Herbert.Kaminski@t-online.de):
> Package: installation-reports
> Debian-installer-version: netboot from
> http://p.d.o/~joeyh/d-i/images/daily/netboot
> and
> http://p.d.o/~joeyh/d-i/images/daily/netboot/2.6
> downloaded 05-JUL-2004 at 22:00 UTC
> uname -a: <The result of running uname -a on a shell prompt>
> Date: 05-JUL-2004
> Method: netboot, then selecting 'testing'
> network connection through local HTTP proxy to ftp.de.debian.org
> Machine: plain vanilla i386 from parts
> Processor: AMD K6-2 500MHz
> Memory: 96MB
> Root Device: 40GB IDE /dev/hdb1
> Root Size/partition table: 39GB ext3 on hdb1, 512 MB swap on hdb5
Did you already make earlier tests of d-i with this machine ?
"lspci -v" and "lspci -n" output could help, though I'm unsure
> 1. With both images, the starting screen was garbled: lots (but not
> all) of non-ASCII characters were displayed as little black blocks
> (see http://www.medvillage.de/debian/ )
This is a known problem, appeared yesterday and fixed in rootskel. The
framebuffer modules are not loaded on i386.
> 2. The 2.6 version (with kernel 2.6.7-1-386) did not detect my hard
> disks, so installation stopped there
As this is, IIRC, the first version with 2.6.7, this could be an
unknown bug yet.
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