Bug#228839: Bug#257704: debconf: Could you change default priority to 'high'?
Hi JoeyH,
At Mon, 5 Jul 2004 11:43:54 -0400,
Joey Hess wrote:
> Kenshi Muto wrote:
> > I'm sorry for bring up again about priority issue.
> > This wishlist is similar with #228839, but JoeyH looks don't
> > want to provide priority question in base-config.
> I do plan to change debconf's default priority, but not until after the
> sarge release. I know that there are various bugs in things at high
> priority, for example, tzsetup (in base-config) is not usable when run
> at the command line with no parameters at high priority. It simply
> exits.
> I hope there arn't many bugs of this kind in packages, and of
> course most packages most people install from base-config during
> installation seem to be ok, since we've been testing with priority high
> for half a year. But at this point I'd still prefer to be conservative
> and hold off any further changes to debconf's priority until after the
> sarge release.
I understand your feeling.
But in my opinion,
- If a package won't work with 'high', it seems simply package's
bug. Maintainer will fix it.
- As you said, we've tested and tested by 'high'. I use 'high' for some
machines (not only install test, but work also), but have happened
critical problem yet (X keyboard choice problem is there, but I
don't believe this is stopper to make higher priority.).
- Ah, tzsetup... Hmm, but how about tell users to run tzsetup via base-config?
(Or can we fix it?)
> > 7. When user does install or reconfigure package... Confusing.
> > User meets different messages from he/she saw on base-config.
> You'd see new questions anyway when you reconfigure a package, since
> dpkg-reconfigure automatically runs at low priority.
I know, but I always recommend users to use "dpkg-reconfigure
Kenshi Muto
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