Bug#231389: marked as done (hang at hardware detection. pcmcia related)
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Subject: hang at hardware detection. pcmcia related
From: Jerome Lacoste <lacostej@frisurf.no>
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Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: sarge beta2 netinst=20
uname -a: can't
Date: 05 Feb 2004 8:00 GMT
Method: from CD
Machine: Dell Inspiron 8100
Processor: Pentium III 1200 MHz
Memory: 512 Mo
Root Device: IDE 60 Go Hitachi 5400 rpm (didn't boot it yet, don't know mod=
Root Size/partition table: unformatted
Output of lspci: N/A
Base System Installation Checklist:
Initial boot worked: [E]
Configure network HW: [ ]
Config network: [ ]
Detect CD: [ ]
Load installer modules: [ ]
Detect hard drives: [ ]
Partition hard drives: [ ]
Create file systems: [ ]
Mount partitions: [ ]
Install base system: [ ]
Install boot loader: [ ]
Reboot: [ ]
[O] =3D OK, [E] =3D Error (please elaborate below), [ ] =3D didn't try it
System hangs at boot. PCMCIA related
Reinstalling system on new disk (other died). I kewn PCMCIA was problematic=
from my former installation (which I had done from boot floppies). E.g. se=
e http://www.trenkamp.org/i8k-installation.html#debian
It finishes loading all the programs required to boot (think they are calle=
d 'components') but fails to go not next screen.
I have to remove the power supply and battery.
Booting with debug, the last message seen in console is=20
(none) klogd Linux Kernel Card Services 3.1.22
I tried noapic option and it still fails. nopcmcia also.
I tried "linux pci=3Dbiosirq acpi=3Don nopcmcia noapic noauto noapm" on boo=
And I get a little bit further_
syslog.info klogd: Linux Kernel Card Services 3.1.22
syslog.info klogd: options: [pci] [cardbus] [pm]
user.notice hd-detect: Starting PCMCIA services: Ysing /lib/modules/2.4.22-=
isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
isapnp: No Plug & Play device found
user.notice hd-detect: using yenta_socket instead of i82365
syslog.info klogd: Intel PCIC probe: not fouund.
syslog.info klogd: PCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 02:0f.0
syslog.info k
and hangs hard once again.
Going to try new installer
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Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 13:46:42 -0400
From: Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
To: 231389-done@bugs.debian.org
Subject: fixed
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The current installer has several ways around your problem. You can boot
at expert priority and choose not to start pcmcia at all, or give it
port ranges to exclude. You can also control this stuff on the boot
command line.
see shy jo
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