Bug#235398: marked as done (Package: installation-reports)
Your message dated Mon, 5 Jul 2004 14:34:40 -0400
with message-id <20040705183440.GA27558@kitenet.net>
and subject line closing
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.
(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere. Please contact me immediately.)
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 29 Feb 2004 04:19:38 +0000
>From psgraham@losalamos.com Sat Feb 28 20:19:38 2004
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Date: Sat, 28 Feb 2004 21:20:33 -0700
From: "Paul S. Graham" <psgraham@losalamos.com>
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To: submit@bugs.debian.org
CC: "Paul S. Graham" <psgraham@losalamos.com>
Subject: Package: installation-reports
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Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: 28 Feb 2004, http://gluck.debian.org/cdimage/testing/sarge_d-i/i386/beta2/sarge-i386-netinst.iso
uname -a: didn't get that far
Date: 28 Feb 2004, 7 p.m. MST
Method: Installed using "net" option off of netinst CD.
Tried using distro.ibiblio.org as the source. No proxy
Machine: Generic Desktop with ASUS P5A-B MB
Processor: AMD K6-2 500
Memory: 256 MB, SDRAM
Root Device: IDE, Western Digital 2.5 GB drive
Root Size/partition table: Don't have exact details but approximately
74 MB ext3 /boot
256 MB swap
2.2 GB ext3 /
Output of lspci: Not available
Base System Installation Checklist:
Initial boot worked: [O]
Configure network HW: [O]
Config network: [O]
Detect CD: [O]
Load installer modules: [O]
Detect hard drives: [O]
Partition hard drives: [O]
Create file systems: [O]
Mount partitions: [O]
Install base system: [E]
Install boot loader: [ ]
Reboot: [ ]
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it
Basically, it completely downloaded all of the packages and then died
when trying to extract either the "perl-base" package or one of the "ppp"
packages. The installation log had the error:
tar: Unrecognized file
It seems like the is a problem with one of these packages. I tried several
different mirrors, but I always got the same result. Otherwise, I really
liked the net-based install.
I did finally get something working on my machine, but the "linux" boot
option didn't work out fully. It died saying that one of the installer's
files was corrupted (unfortunately, I didn't write down which one). So,
with the basic "linux" option (or just hitting Enter) the installation
didn't get very far---it died during the "Load installer modules" stage.
The option that seemed to work was the "linux DEBCONF_PRIORITY=medium".
It seemed to have a minor problem that the installer complained that
a "modprobe" of an ide-related module didn't succeed (it seemed like
"disk-ide" or something like that). Despite the problem, it seemed to
work pretty well.
Thanks for all of your efforts,
Paul Graham
Received: (at 235398-done) by bugs.debian.org; 5 Jul 2004 19:53:58 +0000
>From joey@kitenet.net Mon Jul 05 12:53:58 2004
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Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 14:34:40 -0400
From: Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
To: 235398-done@bugs.debian.org
Subject: closing
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The old tar breakage problem has been long resolved. I'm closing this
report, please send in a new one if you try a new install.
see shy jo
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