Bug#257302: Install on DELL Latitude D400 - some X problems
Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: Beta 4
uname -a: linux debian 2.4.25-1-386 #2 wed Apr 14 19:38
Date: 02-07-2004
Method: CDROM - network install
Machine: DELL Latitude D400
Root Device: /dev/hda
Root Size/partition table: <Feel free to paste the full partition
table, with notes on which partitions are mounted where.>
Output of lspci:
Base System Installation Checklist:
Initial boot worked: [x]
Configure network HW: [x]
Config network: [x]
Detect CD: [x]
Load installer modules: [x]
Detect hard drives: [x]
Partition hard drives: [x]
Create file systems: [x]
Mount partitions: [x]
Install base system: [x]
Install boot loader: [x]
Reboot: [x]
Unexpected X-problems: the dpkg-configure left the machine not starting
X; (my trusted) XFree86 -configure didn't find a mouse; xf86cfg neither.
Some 'no screens found' inbetween, as well.
Finally, I had to change the XF86Config manually to get it finding the
optical USB-wheel-mouse (the famous ZAxisMapping; and "IMPS/2" plus
No flames here, but the third OS on that exactly same hardware went
through without *any* tweaking of any parameter; just install, reboot;
XFree86 -configure and ready. For some the least likely contender for
simplicity: OpenBSD 3.5. This is why I wrote 'unexpected'.
And don't flame me for wrong pseudo-package; please; we'd expect Debian
to *install* one fine day without hangs and tweaks on standard hardware
like a DELL notebook.
Thanks !
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