Processed: reassign 257113 to partman, tagging 257113 ...
Processing commands for
> # Automatically generated email from bts, devscripts version
> reassign 257113 partman
Bug#257113: Install on DELL Latitude D400 fails due to Partitioning
Bug reassigned from package `installation-reports' to `partman'.
> tags 257113 d-i
Bug#257113: Install on DELL Latitude D400 fails due to Partitioning
There were no tags set.
Tags added: d-i
> retitle 257113 does not see existing partitions on a DELL Latitude D400
Bug#257113: Install on DELL Latitude D400 fails due to Partitioning
Changed Bug title.
End of message, stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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