Installatio report. base-config problems
I tried to install sarge using tc1 (sarge-i386-netinst.iso) on my new
laptop (Toshiba A30-303) with pppoe. I'm not a guru (I'm a newbie)
Everything went pretty smooth; when I got to configuring apt sources in
the 2nd stage and I pressed "back" and exited from the installation
system. Run pppoeconf from a shell and I got a perfectly running
At this point I run "base-config" by hand, selected an italian mirror,
choose tasksel to select some stuff (I whish I could select only gnome
components instead of wasting band to fetch kde debs) and started
downloading debs... About 2 long hours.
The last deb fetched was "mozilla-browser" wich could not be retrieved
properly: complained about wrong md5. First I tried to select a couple
of different mirrors with no success. Every time base-config warned me
about the problem and brought me back to the main menu: I didn't know
how to proceed with the unpacking and configuration of all those debs I
downloaded previously. Given my poor knowledge of apt-get, dpkg and that
sort of tools, I had the idea of running dselect: I managed to remove
mozilla from the packages and I managed to go on with the installation.
I finally got gdm running but something must be missing because the only
session that brings me to something usable is a poor failsafe xterm: if
I try to run a gnome session or a kde session the background debian
image is loaded, I can move the pointer but nothing else happens.
What should I configure/install in order to use the graphical interface?
Thanx in advance for your help
PS: the installer is definitely getting there!
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