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Bug#252551: other possible tests

* Jack Carroll <dischord@myrealbox.com> [2004-06-06 20:50]:
> 	I noticed that after I booted from the floppies and configured a
> network interface, it downloaded a large collection of installer components. 
> I selected the "testing" branch.  If I had selected "unstable", would it
> have downloaded a more recent version of the installer as well as a more
> recent set of packages to install?

Yes, but we are currently preparing for another beta (actually, the
first release candiate), so testing of "testing" is better... however,
feel free to also test "unstable" and report issues there.

> 	If so, would it help the project if I did that and reported?
> 	I don't see a place to get daily builds of the floppies themselves,
> or I'd give that a go.

I think daily floppy images are available at
http://people.debian.org/~joeyh/d-i/installer-i386/current/images/ but
I'm not sure everything you'll need is there.

> 	I've been a bit reluctant to burn CDs, for a couple of reasons. 
> Libranet has recently started packing more bytes on a CD than machine #1's
> older drive can read (not to mention my other older machine, an all-SCSI
> 486), and I'm not sure but what Debian may have also broken the boundaries
> of the generic CD format that all drives can read.  It's also a long job to

I'm not sure how much we put on a CD, but you raise a good point.  We
should check this.
Martin Michlmayr

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