Bug#252109: installation report of daily image 20040531
severity 252109 important
reassign 252109 cdebconf
merge 252109 251550
retitle 252109 Keyboard appears to freeze after mistyping in netcfg
Quoting Manuela_Ardu@aon.it (Manuela_Ardu@aon.it):
> Package: installation-reports
> Version: daily 20040531
> Hi all,
> i just did an installation of the latest daily image on a vmware virtual
> machine and found that the static IP isn't acccepted.
> I did type and the next message was showing that this IP is
> incorrect.
> when back to the previous screen I was unable to change the value inserted,
> i.e. the cursor was just after the last digit and it was impossible to move
> it to the left or to delete any characters.
It seems you were hit by #251550, probably by mistyping some
high-ascii characters on your keyboard. The symptoms are exactly
these ones.
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