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Bug#251825: Installing sarge PPC kernel with d-i fails with initrd warning

[Resending to bugs to correct typo in address.]

To: Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr>
cc: 251825@debian.org, gnu@toad.com, jensen@debian.org, luther@debian.org
In-Reply-To: Message from Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr> 
   of "Mon, 31 May 2004 11:53:35 +0200." <20040531095335.GA5316@pegasos> 
References: <[🔎] 200405310745.i4V7j48U015832@new.toad.com>  <20040531095335.GA5316@pegasos> 
Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 03:53:33 -0700
From: John Gilmore <gnu@toad.com>

> > I booted the install CD in expert mode, and was able to progress
> > through the installation until picking a kernel.  I picked the
> > kernel-image-2.6.6-powerpc (I also tried 2.4.25-powerpc-small-pmac and
> > got the same result).  It failed to install, producing these error
> Well, the correct 2.4 kernel for your hardware would be
> 2.4.25-powerpc-pmac. I assume that you have a new world pmac (that is,
> more recent than the blue&white G3), altough you don4t give any info
> about this.

The latest PowerPC Sarge CD doesn't include a 2.4.25-powerpc-pmac kernel
image.  (I've heard that a few weeks ago it was in exile on CD #9.)
The closest this CD came was powerpc-small-pmac.

I'm installing on a brand new PowerBook G4 12".  It's not the faster
one that Apple just shipped; it's the one we got slightly cheaper
right after they announced new ones :-).

Is there a web page somewhere (or perhaps even something in the
installation manual!) that says which kernels go with which pieces
of PowerPC hardware?

> > ...and no documentation anywhere visible, about which of the dozen+
> > kernels is even for which hardware!
> It should be automatically selected, don't know what happened. Did you
> start in expert mode or something ?

Yes.  When I start in non-expert mode, it won't let me bring up a
network connection (even if I have the ethernet plugged in).  In an
earlier attempt at installing, I was able to install the right kernel
by getting it over the net.

And when I start in non-expert mode, on this hardware the automatic
picker picks kernel-image-2.4.25-powerpc-smp-prep.  Even if this was
the right kernel (I doubt it is, it's a uniprocessor), that kernel
install script dies with "Internal Error: (=D) is not a directory!",
as reported tonight in bug#248067.

Somehow, the Sarge CD starts up with the right kernel (or with a
kernel that works for everybody).  If only the installer could just
copy that damn CD kernel onto the hard drive, we'd be done.  The user
is going to throw that one away and install a BenH kernel if he's been
googling even a little bit, so all he needs is ANY bootable kernel.
Besides, I hear that there are even more interesting problems awaiting me
once my machine is able to boot -- like, no X11 support and such.

Thank you for your help.

	John Gilmore

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