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Bug#248067: Now gets "(=D) is not a directory" error on PPC PowerBook install

John Gilmore wrote:

Installation was cooking along fine with the 20040523 CD, until:
  Setting up kernel-image-2.4.25-powerpc-smp-prep (2.4.25-8) ...
  Internal Error: (=D) is not a directory!
  dpkg: error processing kernel-image-2.4.25-powerpc-smp-prep (--configure):
   subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2

I don't know what this means.

I had similar problem when installing a Debian on a Bull Estrella (PReP Blackhawk (Powerstack)). There is a problem with a perl script i think. If i remember well, i did a search into installation scripts, and dropped some line. (try grep or vim /=D...).

By the way, i never managed to get the 2.4.x working on this machine. Always stuck at boot. I am so running a 2.6 kernel, and it works great (had to backport libc and module-init-tools).

I am willing to make a kernel-image package for prep machine, if someone need it, and is ready to test it (i have only this prod-Prep 133Mhz).

BTW, i did some other packages and backports for PPC machines (ie recompiled Bind which gave BSD_COMPAT errors).

Let me a few time to set up a repository for it.
For now, you could get my config on http://perso.efrei.fr/~walter/debian-ppc/ but kernel is very limited to my machine, and is unlikely to work on any other. I will make more generic and non-backporting-required package when free time will come.

BTWII: if someone could help me finding why 2.4 kernels do not like my Estrella...



-+--   Jerome Walter -  EFREI p2004 - NexantiS Corp.         ----+-
       Mail *is* private

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