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Re: [l10n] anon svn & templates

On Mon, May 17, 2004 at 12:30:20AM +0200, Nikolai Prokoschenko wrote:
> Hello!
> What's up with the repositories? I check out my templates & co. from the
> "normal" svn with my alioth account and I get old templates - for example,
> base-installer's template is dated "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-05-04
> 23:35-0400\n", whereas the one Denis Barbier has on his page is from 16th
> May. I assume he's using the anonymous SVN, so where's the difference
> between the two? Have there been any changes I've missed?

This is explained in the listing output:
      * debian-installer/tools/lilo-installer: 2t1f7u  [Foo Bar]
        debian-installer/tools/netcfg: 9t19f33u  [Foo Bar]
      ! debian-installer/tools/partconf: Invalid PO file
    On the first line, an asterisk tells that the file in the SVN
    repository is outdated, debconf-updatepo must be run first.

Debconf-updatepo is run on the PO files on my pages, which is why
they differ from pristine svn.


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