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Bug#228960: excluding pcmcia resource ranges

A few thoughts on how this should work 

 - Should be able to specify it at boot, as well as in an expert mode
   question or questions.
 - Should be able to include a new range as well as excluding an existing
 - May need to exclude more than one range.
 - It's probably too complex for now to really operate on ranges as
   ranges; easier to operate on them as words that we either add or
   take away.
 - I have a laptop that does not work with the default irq excludes.
   I have to comment out one or both of the exclude irq [47] lines in
   config.opts, or it won't work. This is a similar problem.
 - Will someone need to exclude memory regions too?

One very easy, flexible, but not too user-friendly way would be to
prompt the user to enter any include/exclude statements they need.
A user might enter "exclude port 0x800-0x8ff include irq 7",
then it just has to parse this into separate lines and append it to the
file. Something like:

for word in $input; do
	if [ "$word" = exclude ] || [ "$word" = include ]; then
		echo $word >> $config_opts
		printf " $word" >> $config_opts

It will also have to install a prebaseconfig script that copies the
modified config.opts over to /target.

Then we can add something to the syslinux boot help documentating that
for dell inspirons, the user needs to enter:

pcmcia/config="exclude port 0x800-0x8ff"

This assumes that all needed configuration can be done by appending
lines to config.opts, that might override earlier lines in the file
(excluding included ranges, including excluded ports, etc). I don't know
if that's true.

see shy jo

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