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Re: Re: [i18n] String Changes in iso-codes

I'm Tetralet, the main Traditional Chinese translator for the
I'm living in Taiwan. I'm a Taiwanese.

> This is exactly the reason for which I suggested the name change for
> "Taiwan" in iso-codes. As far as I know and as far as I have
> understood, the "Taiwan, province of China" name is accepted by both
> People Republic of China and "Republic of China" ("Taiwan").

Sorry to say that,
But, I think I CAN'T agree with it.

Most of us, The Taiwanese, prefer "Taiwan, Republic of China" to
"Taiwan, Province of China".
Taiwan has it's president, it's territory, dominion and people.
Taiwan has NEVER been a province of China, if "China" means "People's
Republic of China".
To claim that Taiwan is a province of China is not match the real
political situation,
And it will hurt the people who living in Taiwan.

To deference to the Taiwan people, please replace "Taiwan, Province of
China" with "Taiwan, Republic of China".
or, To avoid some political arguments, just replace "Taiwan, Province of
China" with "Taiwan".

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