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Bug#240760: Successful report on Rebel Netwinder (ARM)

Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> The installation went pretty smoothly.  cfdisk was started, I
> partitioned the disks.  I noticed ext3 was not available and pointed
> this out to Vince; he added it to the initrd... I then chose to use
> ext3 for the root partition, but this turned out to be a bad choice
> because the firmware cannot boot from it.  I had to re-install on an
> ext2 partition.  Can d-i warn about such things?  Are there hooks for
> this?  Also, should ARM switch to partman?

Totally doable if you switch to partman. Add a partman-arm or something
that drops in a finish.d script, that does the check. See similar
check in partman-xfs.

> The base system was installed without any problems.  Well, one minor,
> cosmetic problem.  The machine is kinda slow, and therefore it would
> be nice if the progress bar would be more fine grained.

Yeah, tell it to aj. :-/

> For the Netwinder there is a package called nwutil to change some
> hardware settings.  This should be installed after the base.
> According to Joey, base-installer has some hooks to install sub-arch
> specific packages.

It might be better to say that base-config needs some hooks.

> After the install, /etc/fstab was empty.  I don't know why, though.
> I also got this message:
>     WARNING: Your /etc/fstab does not contain the fsck passno field.  I will
>     kludge around things for you, but you should fix your /etc/fstab file as
>     soon as you can.
> But I suppose this is because my /etc/fstab was empty. (empty: there was a
> heading saying /etc/fstab was unconfigured.)

Hmm, sounds like a failure to call partconf-mkfstab, though the current
version of partconf should do so.

see shy jo

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