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Bug#239121: dhclient dumps such info into dhclient.leases, I think.

Joshua Kwan wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 11:23:54AM +1100, Andrew Pollock wrote:
>> The installer currently defaults the hostname of a new installation to
>> "debian". I think it would be sensible for it default to whatever
>> hostname is provided via DHCP, if one is, otherwise fall back to
>> defaulting to "debian".
> It could be done but I've no clue how to glean the DHCP-sent hostname
> from dhclient's output. Can you give me any pointers?

Hmm.  I believe that it's in /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases.
The last lease is always the correct one.  So, something vaguely like this:
tac /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases \
  | grep -m 1 'option host-name' \
  | sed 's/ *option *host-name *\"\([^ ]*\)\"\; */\1/'
(If it's not set in any lease, there won't be an 'option host-name "foo";'
line, so this will return the empty string.)

I'm using dhclient3 rather than dhclient, so I may be wrong; also, my ISP
doesn't send a host-name, so I'm just using educated guesswork here.

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