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Bug#227691: Unable to reproduce this after recompiling (?)

I have installed modconf 0.2.45 running 'modconf' shows that, indeed there 
is a problem in the net section with many borked entries.

However, if I recompile the package, using the kernel-2.4.21 sources, the 
new package is just fine, there are no borked entries. All the entries that 
would have double quotes have single quotes instead:
----------- /usr/share/modconf/eval_C ---------------------
summary_3c501="3c501 'EtherLink' support"
summary_3c503="3c503 'EtherLink II' support"
summary_3c505="3c505 'EtherLink Plus' support"

Now, reviewing the code, I do indeed see a proper conversion of those 
double quotes, I believe the relevant code is:

open (H, "<$confighelp") || die $!;
while (<H>) {
  if (/^(CONFIG_.+?)$/) {
    foreach $obj (@{$objs{$1}}) {
      print sprintf("%s=\"%s\"\n", xlat_objname($obj), $lastline);
  $lastline = $_;

Is this somehow related to a borked build somewhere?



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