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Re: What's wrong with Denis Barbier's status pages ?

Quoting Otavio Salvador (otavio@debian.org):

> > Anonymous access seems to be disabled on svn.d.o.
> No, they are down. You can check it at d-d-a mailing list.
> In next 24h should be ok.

This has to be confirmed, however as the server was down yesterday
(GMT), BEFORE the day (today GMT) it was supposed to be down.

What Joey mentioned is the SVN tasksel database being messed up. This
was discovered yesterday Feb 29th around 18h GMT and then fixed by
Joey. But the problems encountered by Denis scripts remained *after*
this while non anonymous access to tasksel SVN was possible.

When I checked at about 22:30 GMT yesterday, the tasksel trunk was
completely missing...and it seems that the machine indeed already
migrated, but I'm not sure.

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