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Re: partman review

One nice thing we could do with partman during the default,
high-priority install, would be to make it offer automatic partitioning
more promenetntly. This seems like an easy change; the submenu for
automatic partitioning is just right, it even includes a menu item for
manual partitioning (which goes back to the full partman interface).

I've been thinking that perhaps at high priority partman could display
the automatic partitioning menu first. If the user chooses to
autopartition, they would still see the full partman menu afterwards, to
verify the setup and make any changes they wish.

Looking at the automatic partitoning menu, I get the feeling this menu
was designed to be used this way.. was it?

As to implementation, I think partman-auto could simply povide an init.d
script which runs last and displays the menu iff debconf priority is high.

see shy jo

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