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Bug#228755: Bug#228837: Bug#228755: Debconf abuse by several packages (experimental dictionaries-common fix)

Denis Barbier wrote:

Your update-default.in script should have an option to not ask debconf
question, which will be used when invoked from postinsts.  Otherwise
it seems to be pretty hard to guarantee that questions are not asked
twice until all packages have switched to the new scheme.

Thanks, Denis,

The problem is not in the update-default.in script, it will only ask debconf question if a non valid value is found as an error recovery procedure.

The problem appears when debconf values are either pre-seeded or preset by the automatic guess code. Then the question is called with low priority, it is skipped and so seen flag remains set to false. Since individual dictionaries call the question with a much higher priority it is prompted at the second debconf .config run, just before the postinst (It will not be called at first debconf .config run, before packages are unpacked, since the code at the individual dicts checks for dictionaries-common being unpacked before is run).

The fix I am currently testing is just to set the seen flag to true after the question call if something reasonable has been found, even if the question itself has been skipped because of low priority. That way individual dicts .config will not call it unless the installed dicts list changes. If something reasonable (and installed) has been found this should imply no problems, but I would like to test this and think about this for a couple of days before uploading.



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