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Re: Installation Report (success, i386)

Joey Hess writes:
 > Erich Waelde wrote:
 > > I have not had any problems, and the little thingies are
 > > all reported already.
 > Would you mind listing them anyway in breif, so I can make sure?


I keep booting
  linux DEBCONF_PRIORITY=medium 
because without it I have difficulties to assign the correct menu
points to what I see ...

* Choose Language
  yes, arabic shows ???????

* Detect and mount CD-ROM
  . modprobe -v ide-disk fails, known bug,
    ide-disk has been loaded by ide-detect before. And I believe
    with "high" priority, the error message is not shown.
    "continue", no problem

* Install Grub Bootloader
  The step completed without error, however:
  . I'm not formatting the /boot partition in earlier steps.
  . There is a grub/menu.lst file from other sarge installations
    already when grub-update is called
  . a menu entry with the install kernel is already present, but
    not neccessarily correct
  . the menu entry featuring 2.4.22-1-386 kernel pointed to a 
    different root device (1,3), and was not overwritten with the
    current device (0,0), nor was an additional entry appended.
  . I also had to add devfs=/dev,dall, of course.

  This is fairly special, so I cannot tell, whether this is to be
  considered a bug.

"Smoke Test" reboot:
* reiserfsck is not available (known problem)

* Configure apt

  I have added "http://ip.of.my.gwbox/apt-cacher/"; into the proxy
  line, but the following apt-get update fails the same way as if
  no network was available. Variations with IP vs. name, adding
  ports, adding or leaving trailing '/' did not make a
  difference. Things are not obvious for me to track, because the
  sources.list file is not written at this point.

  Editing sources.list by hand and adding the apt-cacher does
  work. I think it would be nice, if it worked from the proxy,
  but that's just me.

* Select packages to install
  . selected aptitude
  . only _selected_ packages, but did not proceed to install
* Install selected packages
  . did not install the additional selections.
    known problem. awaiting --selections-only for aptitude, or similar

when booting "net" instead:
* yes, I have seen the "validating %s", too.

* I still saw the split netcfg (dhcp, static), but not sure if
  this was in yesterdays image (2004-01-01)

Hope this helps,

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