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Re: ext3, reiserfs in the sarge-installer .. and bug report

* "Kees van den Broek" 

| I thought you were the main debian-install developer. I don't know to
| what newsgroup to post the question. So I hope you don't mind asking
| you directly.

No problem, debian-boot@lists.debian.org is the correct address, but
anyhow.. Cc-ing them.

| I just downloaded the testing installer at:
| http://gluck.debian.org/cdimage/testing/netinst/i386/sarge-i386-netinst.iso
| Works fine for me on my toshiba laptop (typing: net at the lilo boot
| prompt), there's just one problem. I can only create EXT2
| filesystems. I can't find any module that allows me to use EXT3 or
| ReiserFS.
| Is it still a feature-in-progress or not planned at all?

ext3 should work ok, but you need to load the module.  reiserfs is not
much work, but nobody has started on it yet.

| I found a problem in the installer:
| After partitioning my harddisk I got back to the main menu and wanted
| to select another mirror. So I chose 33 again to select another mirror
| in the Netherlands. That's when I got an error saying:
| /home/martin/projects/debian-installer/tools/cdebconf/src/frontend.c:133
| (grondend_new): Cannot load frontend module
| /usr/lib/cdebconf/frontend/newt.so: libnewt.so.0.50: cannot open
| shared object file: No such file or directory \033[9;0]
| It kept repeating this message on and on, so I had to reboot...

I'm not sure what the problem here is, perhaps Martin or Petter can
shed some light on the problem?

Tollef Fog Heen                                                        ,''`.
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are      : :' :
                                                                      `. `' 

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