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Re: gtk frontend status report

Junichi Uekawa <dancer@netfort.gr.jp> wrote:

> This should be done with a new directfb package, with a completely
> different soname, and pkglibdir (or whereever directfb stores its
> plugins)

Ok, let me see if I got that right:

1) We want the installer to be as versatile as possible. That means,
   that putting large libraries onto a livefs is not what we want,
   because it would be for cds only. So it must be put onto the
   ramdisk which is naturally limited in size. IMO also the packages
   themselves should not be too large. I could imagine putting all the
   needed udebs onto a 16 MB USB Token.

2) If there is no objection to 1) it is clear that we need different
   libraries that may be binary incompatible to the ones provided by
   the debs. But if they are binary incompatible they need to have a
   different soname and they must be installable on the build system
   together with an appopriate -dev package.

Now I suppose it is not so easy to have the same library installed
twice with different sonames because the development link libfoo.so
would be identical.

Are my above conclusions correct? Do we have or had a similar
situation in debian? If yes, how is/was it resolved?


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