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Bug#214384: slovenian PO-file translation for base-installer

Package: base-installer
Severity: wishlist
Followup-For: Bug #214384

This is new/fixed slovenian translation of po-file for base-installer


Jure Cuhalev

# translation of sl.po to Slovenian
# Slovenian messages for debian-installer.
# Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest, Inc.
# This file is distributed under the same license as debian-installer.
# Gregor Fajdiga <Gregor.Fajdiga@guest.arnes,si>, 2003.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: sl\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2003-10-19 08:29+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2003-10-28 19:37+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Jure Čuhalev <gandalf@owca.info>\n"
"Language-Team: Slovenian <sl@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:3
msgid "Installing base system into /target/ failed"
msgstr "Nameščanje osnovnih programov v /target/ ni uspelo"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:3
msgid "Check /target/var/log/debootstrap.log and /target/var/log/debootstrap.err.log for the details."
msgstr "Za podrobnosti preverite /target/var/log/debootstrap.log in /target/var/log/debootstrap.err.log"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:9
msgid "debootstrap exited with an error (return value ${EXITCODE})."
msgstr "debootstrap se je končal z napako (vrnjena vrednost ${EXITCODE})."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:16
msgid "Base installation error"
msgstr "Napaka pri osnovni namestitvi"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:16
msgid "debootstrap exited abnormally."
msgstr "debootstrap se je končal z napako."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:16
msgid "You might find more information in /target/var/log/debootstrap.log"
msgstr "Več podrobnosti boste našli v /target/var/log/debootstrap.log"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:23
msgid "The following error occurred:"
msgstr "Prišlo je do naslednje napake:"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:23
msgid "${ERROR}"
msgstr "${ERROR}"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:23
msgid "You might find more information in /target/var/log/debootstrap.log or /target/var/log/debootstrap.err.log"
msgstr "Več podrobnosti boste morda našli v /target/var/log/debootstrap.log ali v /target/var/log/debootstrap.err.log"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:33
msgid "Unknown download style."
msgstr "Neznan slog prenosa."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:38
msgid "Unknown mirror style."
msgstr "Neznan slog zrcala."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:43
msgid "${SUBST0} was not pre-downloaded."
msgstr "${SUBST0} nisem predprenesel."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:48
msgid "Unknown location ${SUBST0}."
msgstr "Neznana lokacija ${SUBST0}."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:53
msgid "Failed getting Release file ${SUBST0}."
msgstr "Pridobivanje datoteke Release ${SUBST0} ni uspelo."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:58
msgid "Invalid Release file, no valid components."
msgstr "Neveljavna datoteka Release, ni veljavnih komponent."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:63
msgid "Invalid Release file, no entry for ${SUBST0}."
msgstr "Neveljavna datoteka Release, ni vnosa za ${SUBST0}."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:68
msgid "Couldn't download ${SUBST0}."
msgstr "Nisem mogel prenesti ·${SUBST0}."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:73
msgid "No ${SUBST0}. Cannot create devices."
msgstr "${SUBST0} ne obstaja. Ne morem ustvariti naprav."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:78
msgid "Unknown dselect method."
msgstr "Neznana metoda dselect."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:83
msgid "Debootstrap Error"
msgstr "Napaka Deboostrap"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:83
msgid "Interrupt caught ... exiting."
msgstr "Prekinitev ujeta ...prekinjam."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:92
msgid "Downloading Release file"
msgstr "Prenašam datoteko Release"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:96
msgid "Downloading Packages files"
msgstr "Prenašam datoteke Packages"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:100
msgid "Downloading packages"
msgstr "Prenašam pakete"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:104
msgid "Downloading Packages file"
msgstr "Prenašam datoteko Packages·"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:108
msgid "Extracting packages"
msgstr "Razširjam pakete"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:112
msgid "Installing base system"
msgstr "Nameščam osnovne programe"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:120
msgid "Validating ${SUBST0}"
msgstr "Preverjam ${SUBST0}"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:124
msgid "Retrieving ${SUBST0}"
msgstr "Prenašam ${SUBST0}"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:128
msgid "Extracting ${SUBST0}"
msgstr "Razširjam ${SUBST0}"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:132
msgid "Installing core packages..."
msgstr "Nameščam osnovne pakete..."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:136
msgid "Unpacking required packages..."
msgstr "Odpiram zahtevane stisnjene pakete..."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:140
msgid "Configuring required packages..."
msgstr "Nastavljam zahtevane pakete..."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:144
msgid "Installing base packages..."
msgstr "Nameščam osnovne pakete..."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:148
msgid "Base system installed successfully."
msgstr "Osnovni sistem je uspešno nameščen."

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:152
msgid "Installing extra packages"
msgstr "Nameščam dodatne pakete"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:156
msgid "Configuring APT sources"
msgstr "Nastavljam vire APT"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:160
msgid "Updating the list of available packages"
msgstr "Posodabljam seznam paketov, ki so na voljo"

#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:164
msgid "Installing the extra packages"
msgstr "Nameščam dodatne pakete"

#. Item in the main menu to select this package
#. Description
#: ../base-installer.templates:169
msgid "Install the base system"
msgstr "Namesti osnovni sistem"

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:3
msgid "No kernel package is selected for installation"
msgstr "Za namestitev niste izbrali nobenega paketa z jedrom"

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:3
msgid "Unable to install a kernel."
msgstr "Jedra ni mogoče namestiti."

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:11
msgid "Unable to install the selected kernel"
msgstr "Izbranega ni mogoče namestiti"

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:11
msgid "An error was returned while trying to install the kernel into the target system."
msgstr "Ob poskusu namestitve jedra na ciljni sistem, je program vrnil napako."

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:11
msgid "Kernel package: '${KERNEL}'."
msgstr "Paket z jedrom: ${KERNEL}'."

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:11
msgid "This is probably a fatal error."
msgstr "To je najbrž usodna napaka."

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:11
msgid "You might try to select \"Install the kernel\" again on the main menu. That will allow you to select another kernel to install."
msgstr "You might try to select \"Install the kernel\" again on the main menu. That will allow you to select another kernel to install."

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:25
msgid "Select which kernel to install into /target/"
msgstr "Izberite jedro za namestitev v ·/target/"

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:25
msgid "These are the kernels available from the APT sources.  One of them needs to be installed to be able to boot the system from hard drive."
msgstr "To so jedra, ki so na voljo iz virov APT.  Enega od njih morate namestiti, da boste sistem lahko zagnali iz diska."

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:31
msgid "No installable kernel was found in the APT sources defined"
msgstr "V navedenih virih ni mogoče najti jedra, ki bi ga bilo mogoče namestiti."

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:31
msgid "This is rather strange, and probably fatal."
msgstr "To je dokaj čudno in najbrž usodno."

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:31
msgid "The current default kernel package is '${KERNEL}'."
msgstr "Trenutno privzet paket z jedrom je '${KERNEL}'."

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:31
msgid "You will have to continue as best as you can.  Good luck."
msgstr "Nadaljevati boste morali kot le najbolje znate. Vso srečo."

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:40
msgid "Installing kernel"
msgstr "Nameščam jedro"

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:44
msgid "Locating available kernels"
msgstr "Iščem jedra, ki so na voljo"

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:48
msgid "Selecting the kernel to install"
msgstr "Izbiram jedro za namestitev"

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:52
msgid "Setting up the kernel environment"
msgstr "Nastavljam okolje jedra"

#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:56
msgid "Installing the kernel package ${KERNEL}"
msgstr "Nameščam paket z jedrom ${KERNEL}"

#. Item in the main menu to select this package
#. Description
#: ../kernel-installer.templates:61
msgid "Install the kernel"
msgstr "Namesti jedro"

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