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A patch for modconf to support 2.6 kernels


AFAIK, modconf does not yet work with 2.6 kernels (with .ko suffix for
kernel module filename) well, so i've attempted to patch it.
The lame results of that attempt  *should* be attached to this mail
(buggy evolution doesn't show me attachments i'm sending) :).

Generally, i've simply grepped for ".o" and changed it to a variable
which has a value of ".o" or ".ko" depending on the kernel version.

Don't know if that's a side effect of my patch or not, but somewhy i no
longer see some captions for categories. ;]

i hope this patch (or this patch patched again) will be included in the
upcoming versions of modconf, so that people don't get scared as i was,
when they try 2.6 for a first time.

Finally, i'm not subscribed to this list, so, please, CC: all the
answers (if any) to this post to me. Thanks.

Rimas "RQ" Kudelis
> # do we need ".o" or ".ko" as a suffix for kernel module filenames?
> # (will only work with versions lower, than 10.0 =], and i'm unsure about 2.5)
> if ((`uname -r |cut -c1,3` >= 26)); then
>    Ko_Suffix="ko";
> else
>    Ko_Suffix="o";
> fi;
> echo "Using \".$Ko_Suffix\" as an extention for kernel objects.";
<       -f $(first $Dir_Prefix/$i/*.o) ]; then
>       -f $(first $Dir_Prefix/$i/*.$Ko_Suffix) ]; then
<   # strip off .o suffix
<   module=${module%.o}
>   # strip off .o/.ko suffix
>   module=${module%.$Ko_Suffix}
<     chandev_module_list="$(for file in `find /lib/modules/$kver -name "*.o"`; do grep -q "chandev_register" $file;  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then basemodulename $file; fi; done | sort -u)"
>     chandev_module_list="$(for file in `find /lib/modules/$kver -name "*.$Ko_Suffix"`; do grep -q "chandev_register" $file;  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then basemodulename $file; fi; done | sort -u)"
<     list="$Dir_Prefix/$directory/*.o"
>     list="$Dir_Prefix/$directory/*.$Ko_Suffix"
<     # Strip directory and .o suffix
>     # Strip directory and .o/.ko suffix
<           result=$(basemodulename $Dir_Prefix/$directory/$result.o)
>           result=$(basemodulename $Dir_Prefix/$directory/$result.$Ko_Suffix)
<     (cd /; zcat < /floppy/modules.tgz | $extract \*/$module.o)
<     file="/lib/modules/*/*/$module.o"
>     (cd /; zcat < /floppy/modules.tgz | $extract \*/$module.$Ko_Suffix)
>     file="/lib/modules/*/*/$module.$Ko_Suffix"

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