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Re: Minimal memory installation

Am 2003-09-26 13:24:51, schrieb Levi Bard:
>Could someone pull off an install using the compact floppy set with 8MB of
>RAM?  I see that the installation guide now says 12MB required, but does
>this pertain to a standard bf2.4 or idepci boot, or is that the minimum
>now for compact as well?


for some seconds I have written an answert to another one because I have 
installed WOODY 3.0r1 with the bf2.4 on a Toshiba T1950CT with 12 MBytes. 

It is the Hell !!! Around 9 hours to install the Base !!!

Suggestion:	<http://www.ebay.com/)

Create an account and look for a better Computer and minimal 32 MByte of 
Memory. I have bought over 40 HP Vectra XA5/200MT with 32 MB and 2-4 GB 
Harddisk each for around 40 Euro/US$ inclusive Transport in Germany. 

It works with fvwm2, OOo 1.0, Mozilla 1.4, Sun-Java 1.4, xmms, mplayer 
(on console), tetex, xcdroast...

!!! Dont try to install KDE or GNOME !!!

All with WOODY 3.0r1 and they are working very fine in the east of Turkia 
and the North Iran. 



Registered Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.

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