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Re: slimming down base for a embedded install

On Saturday 10 May 2003 09:45, Rajkumar S wrote:
> Date: 2003-05-10 09:45

Your clock is way off... 

> I am installing debian on a embedded machine with a 96 mb disk on
> module. The network install is working but there isn't enough space for
>   installation to complete. the /target gets filled up. Since this is
> for a firewall device we can trim down the size of base install. I am
> looking for docs about how to do it. Any help will be much appreciated!

I "installed" Debian a few times by tarring up a stripped down installation 
and untarring it in the / of the target computer - so, no installation is 
actually run. You just need to configure the few things that are different, 
but that shouldn't be a problem. If you floppy-boot the target computer and 
have network access running, you can untar directly over ssh without even 
copying the tar onto the target computer.

Another approach: mount that target disk (flashcard?) on another computer and 
install from there.

-- vbi

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