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dh_gencontrol vs dpkg-gencontrol

I discovered something interesting with the Packages file on the netinst
CDs, some packages were missing Priority and Section control fields. I
checked the corresponding package files and indeed, dpkg -f revealed
they did not have those control fields! Some investigation showed that
the packages using dh_gencontrol were immune, while the packages using
dpkg-gencontrol directly were the ones with problems.

The packages with this problem that I found are:
ddetect (ethdetect)

Those of you feeling responsible for these packages, please change to
dh_gencontrol, or "fix" the calls to dpkg-gencontrol. (I'd do it myself
but I'm a bit busy right now)

Martin Sjögren
  sjogren@debian.org -- marvin@dum.chalmers.se
  GPG key: http://www.mdstud.chalmers.se/~md9ms/gpg.html
  let hello = "hello" : hello in putStr (unlines hello)

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