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Re: Small report (re: isolinux test image, debian-cd changes available)

#include <hallo.h>
Gunnar Wolf wrote on Tue Apr 09, 2002 um 08:59:11AM:

> I tested first the 24bf image. I was surprised to see it uses a
> framebuffer... Now... This can be good, but I don't understand why it is
> using it - The display is MUCH slower than using the regular interface,
> and it is still curses-based. What did we gain from framebuffer?

I guess, you never came in touch with using more than one charset, or
using multi-byte charset, etc. etc.

> Second - I am installing it using the Spanish interface. When I get to
> choose the filesystem type I will be using, the text is almost too wide to
> be shown on screen... It fits, but it is noticeably too wide, because of
> the description of the Ext3 line:
> Ext3    : Siguiente generación de Ext2, un sistema de ficheros transaccional

Feel free to change this. I doubt that this will make the way into
3.0r0, but maybe into 3.0r1. Use CVS or get the es.po file from
http://cvs.debian.org/boot-floppies/utilities/dbootstrap/po/ , translate
it, send patches.

> Third - The translations for 'Found a Debian CD-ROM', 'Other bootable
> partitions' and 'Securing LILO' screens seems not to have been found.

See above.

> Fourth - After I select an option from 'Other bootable partitions', the
> screen keeps its frame drawn on background, it does not get cleared with
> the usual blue background.

Someone mentioned, this would be fixed with newer newt packages.

> Fifth - Upon reboot, the kernel loaded correctly, but when the second
> part of the installer should have appeared, I got:
> /usr/sbin/base-config: cat:: command not found

IMHO Chris' fault. Use a netinst image, or make two floppies
(rescue&root) for your flavor.

C: Ich möchte nicht länger "Junge" genannt werden. Ich finde den Ausdruck
   demütigend und sexistisch.
   H: Wie möchtest Du dann genannt werden?          [aus "Calvin and Hobbes"
   C: "Genetisch bevorzugter Jugendlicher".                    by Watterson]

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