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a book of must read

True winning is a result of being honorable, noble, kind and truthful. If a man gains the world  but 
acts against the principles of Heaven, he has gained nothing at all.

By M.H. <<Poisonous Deceit>> (http://news0.bizhosting.com/)

(This is a short paragraph from the book)

The number of innocent people tortured to death thoughout the duration of this persecution has 
been hard to pinpoint. Most overseas organsations place the number in the low hundreds. Falun 
Gong Practitiners overseas have recently adopted a figure between sixteen and seventeen 
hundred. However, I'll tell you now - the Actual number is over seven thousand dead.

That's right - over seven thousand dead.

* "Winning" by Lying (Part 1 page 6)
* "Deceptive Persuasion" (Part II page 25)
* The "Self-Immolation" Hoax (Part III)
* The "Mental Hospital" Hoax 
* The "TV Documentary" Hoax 
* The "Everyday People" Hoax
* The "Anti-Society" Hoax
* The "Anti-Government" Hoax
* The "Zhong Gong" Hoax
* The "Death From Not Taking Medicine" Hoax
* The False Accusation Hoax
* Fabricated News
* ...... Hoaxs

Book Description:

<<Poisonous Deceit>> is a daring and timely work written by a top level Chinese Communist Party 
official in President Jiang Zemin's inner circle. This explosive and revealing book offers the reader 
a "first ever", behind-the-scenes glimpse into the Party's brutal and murderous crackdown on 
Falun Gong.

The author provides ample revealing insights into "how" and "why" his very own government is 
lying, deceiving and fabricating its "evidence" against Falun Gong. He goes on to expose the 
so-called "Self-immolation" incident in Tiananmen Square as "the greatest hoax ever to be 
perpetrated against the Chinese people in over 5,000 years!"

This book is a 'must read' for anyone interested in knowing the real truth about Falun Gong and 
the Chinese Government's secret plot to frame, slander and exterminate this popular world-wide 
spiritual movement. This is a right to the point , "no holds barred", tell-it-like-it-is, shocking expose' 
which is guaranteed to leave you speechless!

To avoid immediate execution for making this information available to the general public, the 
author has, for obvious security reasons, chosen to identify himself using only the initials of his 
code name, M.H. 

Let me end the description with the comment by M.H:
"How the Chinese Government(Literally) Gets Away with Murder by Lying, Deceiving and 
Fabricating its 'Evidence' Against Falun Gong."

The attached file is some short paragraphs taken from the book. It may be interesting to you.

The book can be downloaded for free from

Pass this information to who ever concerns please.
Did Falun Gong authorize this book to be written ? (How this book came into being, Page Viii)

No. This book was written by an individual out of a desire for the truth to be known. He did not write it under anyone else's suggestion. The author felt he had no choice but to write it, seeing that no one else was ready to step forward and do it.

What is the Publisher's purpose in making this book available ? (How this book came into being, page Viii)

Our purpose is to raise awareness of how President Jian Zemin is destroying China from within. Jian is under the delusion that social terrorism is the one and only way to govern the people of China. This is, of course, not true. Neither is it true that citizens should be routinely slandered, arrested, thrown in jail, tortured and murdered for practicing truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. The publisher is all for stopping this injustice in any small way he can. Agreeing to publish this book grew out of this desire to help.

Does the Publishing Company practice Falun Gong ? (How this book came into being, page x)


Winning by Lying (Part 1 page 6)

Distorting the truth about Falun Gong-beyong all recognition-is Jian's idea of being clever. He effectively destroyed an innocent man's reputation and gleefully prides himself on his "win". He fancies himself a great strategist, but he's not. Yes, Jian has been effective in framing and slandering Mr. Li and his spiritual movement - but so what? In the end he will fail, as do all leaders who neglect to adhere to the principles of Heaven.

Real "winning" has nothing to do with framing, deceiving, lying, murdering, slandering, or torturing and imprisoning innocent people. It has nothing to do with intentionally breaking the bond of trust with the people of China. It has nothing to do with inciting hatred towards
Falun Gong without cause.

It has nothing to do with fooling the Chinese people into believing anti-Falun Gong rhetoric, completely fabricated TV documentaries and, of course, the so-called "Self-immolation" incident. If one's actions are not steeped in righteousness and truth then any benefits derived thereof will be short lived.

True winning is a result of being honorable, noble, kind and truthful. If a man gains the world  but acts against the principles of Heaven, he has gained nothing at all. Only by adhering to the Tao or the "Way of Heaven" can a man win success. Trying to force success or a "win" in any other manner can be likened to trying to wrap fire in paper.

Jain's ignoble actions set a horrible precedent for future leaders to follow. His deceitful character does not help him establish credibility" or "integrity" in the world's eyes, nor in the eyes of the people of China.

"Truth, Kindness and Forbearance": Illegal? (Part one, page 15)

When in the five thousand years of Chinese history has adhering to the principles of "Truth, Kindness and Forbearance" been illegal? What are we really doing when we help Jian persecute Falun Gong? Are we trying to get Falun Gong Practitioners to stop conducting themselves according to the principles of Heaven? Are we trying to punish them for being good, righteous and honest people?

A government should reward good behaviour not torture people to death for it! Jian has employed the strategy of "stir up the people to fight the people" in his effort to combat Falung Gong By doing so he has effectively dragged China into its own "man made hell".

The "Slander & Slaughter Formula" (Part one page 17)

The Chinese Propagandists have specific procedures for removing any perceived threat to the Party's power, be it real or imagined. I call it the "slander & slaughter formula". They use it anytime they want to destroy the reputation of a popular high profile figure, organization or ideology that isn't  in line with the prevailing political climate. It's both simple and effective. ......

Propaganda: "Deceptive Persuasion" (Part 2  page 25)

Propaganda by its very nature is information or ideas methodically spread to promote or injure a person, organization, cause, movement, nation, etc. At its very core it is manipulative, deceptive and confusing.

The reason it works so well is because it catches people unaware. They aren't really expecting it. They are just trying to make a living. Raise their families and have a little bit of fun in their lives. They don't have time to worry about whether a Propagandist is trying to hoodwink them, and in most situations, they don't care.

Why? Because most people don't fancy themselves as strategists - which, of course, they're not. But really that's just an excuse not to pay attention. Just because they are not strategists doesn't mean they are incapable of discerning the "true" from the false, "fact" from fiction. Also, it doesn't mean that their lives are not effected in huge ways by not paying attention - they are. Let me explain.

A Propagandist's job is to subtly influence a person's feelings, thoughts, emotions, viewpoints and opinions, until they turn from what they are now to what he wants them to be - all without a hint of his involvement. How can he get away with this, you ask? I'll tell you how.

Human beings, deep down inside, have a longing to believe what they are told, and a Propagandist knows this very well, He preys on people's innocence, naivete', and trust. People are taken in by his message; due in part, to their inherent laziness, preoccupation with their own personal lives or just plain apathy. Meaning, the general public does not usually accept responsibility for being aware, alert and informed. Rather, they expect someone else to make them aware, alert and informed. Herein lies the power of propaganda.

You see, a skilled Propagandist can be likened to a Master Magician. What do I mean by that? He takes a couple of graphic images, adds in a few words, sprinkles in a bit of the reader's emotions and Presto! -  out of thin air, one's whole viewpoint of the world changes - without one even being aware of it. I call it the "Art of Deceptive Persuasion".

So how does one get past this "Smoke & Mirrors Show"? Well, if you hope to understand how a Propagandist operates...if you hope to discern the truth from the lies, then you must first understand how deceptive persuasion (propaganda) actually works......


The number of innocent people tortured to death thoughout the duration of this persecution has been hard to pinpoint. Most overseas organsations place the number in the low hundreds. Falun Gong Practitiners overseas have recently adopted a figure between sixteen and seventeen hundred. However, I'll tell you now - the Actual number is over seven thousand dead.

*** if you wish to know more, please download this book free of charge at http://news6.netfirms.com ***

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