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Bug#148785: further details

Have tested with potato/sparc CD that has been used in the past to
install other sun4m platforms. This sun4c platform (and others I've
tested) does not want to play nice with Debian. The kernel boots,
but goes into a reset loop when talking to the SCSI bus. I'd be
more than willing to test a mini .ISO image of some kind for
woody/sparc, but have not been able to find any on my own. (alpha,
powerpc, the everpresent x86, but not sparc.) Considering the short
shrift that sun4c has generally received even from kernel maintainers,
I still feel it is probably best to document sun4c as incompatible.

chris jantzen kb7rnl =->         __O
Insert witty comment here.     _`\<,_
http://www.maybe.net/         (*)/ (*)

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