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                I just installed Woody and ran into one major
glitch that forced me start over, where the screen read-
            "Please choose the path inside the CD ROM 
where the Debian Archive resides.

    /instmnt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <....> "

            This situation was not mentioned in the Installation
Manual, and I eventually sort of stumbled on the path
by going over the READMEs  again. 


            The string "instmnt" was not mentioned in the
Installation Manual anywhere, and served to deepen my

            Otherwise, the Install was perfect, and I was 
very impressed with the job the Developers did.  Thank 
you one and all.  I will pass the good deed on someday.....               
            I'm a real Newbie now, and having a great time.
Debian GNU/Linux is the penguin's sqawk....

Bruce<+>  bburhan1@earthlink.net


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