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Re: 3.0.22 plan, translations (b-f bugs dropping like flies.)

Eduard Bloch <edi@gmx.de> writes:

> > There were criteria -- I used the Linux survey, the largest and most
> > reputable source of who uses Linux. I ordered the languages according
> > to number of users in those countries.
> So, and how did YOU calculate? Using the per-county numbers as number of
> native speakers of a language?

Yes, basically.

> I wondered why Spanish was not between
> the first used languages - looking at counter.li.org statistics it seems
> that you did not add the numbers of Spanish speaking countries together.
> Doing so, we probably would get another statistic, something like:
> es en fr de pt ja sv ...
> Though, I do not know enough about demogaphic calculations to make an
> accurate list.

Well, it isn't scientific, but assuming the spanish translation is
reasonably up-to-date, I have no problem with people correcting the
list to reflect the demographics in the linux survey (number of linux
users, not number of people in those countries).

I do *not* want to get into a situation (like we have) where people
are begging for languages to be included -- I'd rather use a more or
less objective criteria and stick to it.  As AJ pointed out, we allow
for the language list to be customized pretty easily for folks wanting
to build an alternative set.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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